Trungkar - His Holiness the Dalai Lama's Birthday
Is the source of all happiness and benefit,
All-knowing Chenrezig, Tenzin Gyatso.
May you stand firm until samsara ends.
Today, 6th July is the birthday of His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama. Born in 1935 in the village of Takster, Amdo in Tibet, His Holiness will mark his 87th birthday this year. On the occasion of his birthday, we offer our greetings and gratitude to His Holiness for his vision, inspiration in building Norbulingka. Norbulingka Institute has the honour of having had His Holiness the Dalai Lama as Chairman of our trust from its inception in 1996 until 2015, when he retired from all official positions within the Tibetan community. His Holiness’s strong support for religious art, was the base of our inspiration for founding Norbulingka and in 1984, when the project began to take form, His Holiness provided the funds for the initial land purchase.
Each year, the Tibetan diaspora celebrates His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s birthday. It is a day of rejoicing for Tibetan communities, and in Dharamsala, it is marked by celebrations at the Thekchen Choling Temple. People in their traditional wear assemble and following an auspicious ceremony, dance groups from different areas put on performances for the public.
Last two years, the celebrations have remained mostly private with restrictions on large gatherings. This year, the day will the celebrated in all parts of the world where Tibetans reside – a day of rejoicing, and thanking His Holiness for being with us.
Your Holiness, with gratitude in our hearts we pray that may we be blessed with your presence in the world for eternity.